Indian Carnelian Tumbled Stone
Astrological Association: Taurus, Cancer and Leo
Chakra: Sacral
Carnelian is a "feel better" stone.
Excellent for those with ADHD. Aids with study, memory, inspiration, speech and the voice.
Excellent stone for live performers
Helps relieve laziness and apathy. It brings vitality, self-esteem, compassion, courage and personal power.
Reduces thirst
Great stone for digestion, tissue regeneration and revitalizing the blood.
Good for the gallbladder, liver, lungs, kidneys, spine, spleen, pancreas and thyroid.
Helps with appetite, eating disorders, asthma, hayfever, common colds, bronchitis, infections, neuralgia, lethargy, and jaundice.
Enhances your connection to spirit and enables you to see the links between emotions and dis ease.
Helps with anger, envy, fear, rage, sorrow, confusion and jealousy.