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Amethyst slab

Regular price $95.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $95.00 CAD
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5 kilo 9 inches

Chakra: Crown and Third Eye
💥 Astrological Association: Virgo, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

✨ Overall protection and physical, emotional and mental balance
✨ Boosts negotiation and decision making skills and wealth
✨ Helps deal with responsibility, change and public speaking
✨ Blocks negativity
✨ Helps awaken higher consciousness, meditation and intuition
✨ Boosts psychic abilities and stimulates the Third Eye and Crown Chakras
✨ Helps calm grief, tension, OCD and anger
✨ Excellent for hormone regulation, migraines, immune health, swelling, bruising and respiration
✨ Great for breaking addiction and encourages sleep

💫 Magnifies energy of other crystals.